Pinball Golf Wednesday’s at Double Bull
Wednesdays are Pin Golf night at The Double Bull! Tee off on all 10 pinball machines, or 'holes' on a pinball golf course.
How to Score in Pin-Golf
Each Pinball Machine has a TARGET or “PAR” SCORE
Your objective is to reach the TARGET SCORE using as few balls as possible in ONE GAME
Achieve TARGET SCORE on Ball 1, you score a ‘1’ for that game
Achieve TARGET SCORE on Ball 2, you score a ‘2’ for that game
Achieve TARGET SCORE on Ball 3, you score a ‘3’ for that game
Fail to Achieve TARGET SCORE after completing Ball 3, you score a ‘4’ for that game
Best rounds of golf for the whole night win prizes from Narragansett Beer. Play the course multiple times if you like!
Best players over the course of the Summer and Fall will be invited to join The Double Bull's traveling wrecking crew of Pinball All*Stars!